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The Get Rich Slowly file vault


A new Get Rich Slowly subscriber emailed me yesterday to alert me of two problems.

  • First, all of the free resources I share on Google Drive have magically switched from publicly-available to private.
  • Second, the automated email sequence for new readers is broken (which means that folks aren’t receiving The Money Boss Manifesto).

Fixing the email sequence will take some work. It wouldn’t take much effort to make it functional again, but while I’m in there mucking around, I might as well make a pass to revise it. The info and examples are five years old. (Meanwhile, the current version of The Money Boss Manifesto can be downloaded here.)

Fixing the shared documents on Google Drive was easy, though. They should once again be publicly viewable. Please let me know if they’re not.

The Get Rich Slowly File Vault

This seems like a good time to remind readers that the Get Rich Slowly file vault exists.

The GRS file vault contains a whole host of free resources that I’ve gathered over the years. Some of those resources are from me, but most are from other folks. Everything in the file vault is free and legal to share.

What kind of cool stuff can you find in the Get Rich Slowly file vault? Here’s some of what’s currently available.

The Get Rich Slowly file vault also contains a handful of “GRS Originals”, documents that I’ve created over the years to share with various audiences. These include:

  • The Money Boss Manifesto, the 87-page ebook that summarizes the Get Rich Slowly approach and philosophy. This is the same info that you’ll find scattered in various articles around this site. It’s also a sort of working draft for what became my Audible course.
  • The Money Boss Method, which is a one-page version of the GRS approach and philosophy. It’s basically an outline of the modern approach to financial freedom.
  • The one-hundred words poster I created in 2013 in partnership with my friend, Lisa. This is a short list of guidelines meant to help me lead a happier life. Other folks wanted a copy, so I added it to the file vault.
  • A one-page PDF with an exercise meant to help you create your personal mission statement.
  • For my article on the six stages of financial freedom, I shared an image that summarizes the path from financial dependence to financial abundance. By popular request, I’ve created a PDF version of that roadmap.

I would love to have help with the Get Rich Slowly file vault.

If you know of other free resources that should be added to the GRS file vault, let me know. And if you notice any problems — if you’re unable to access the files — drop me a line. My aim is to make this a fun and useful collection of stuff for people to browse.

Future Plans

Now that Kim and I have resolved our uncertain future, now that we’ve moved to Corvallis, unpacked, and begun to settle into our new lives, I find that I once again have time and motivation to publish here at Get Rich Slowly.

But I don’t want to set expectations too high! I am not in a headspace where I want to churn out 3000-word articles on deep subjects. Instead, I’ve found myself wanting to pursue three different aspects of the site.

  • First, I want to devote most of my time and energy to creating what I think of as an online textbook about personal finance. This would essentially be an organized collection of the most important and useful articles at this site, and it truly would be organized as if it were a textbook. So, for instance, I might take all of the many “get out of debt” articles I’ve written over the years and combine them into a single, definitive piece about how to get out of debt.
  • Second, I want to create a library of personal-finance resources. I have dozens of book reviews at this site, but no organized way to view them. I don’t do a lot of personal-finance product reviews, but I’d like to do more. (Or, more precisely, to have my business partner Tom do them.) And so on.
  • Lastly, I want most of my “new” articles (as opposed to the “old”, revised pieces for the “textbook”) to be brief write-ups of interesting stories I find around the web. Amazon rigs its search results? Shocking! What makes a job meaningful? Thoughts on the pursuit of childhood joy? These are all things that might be of interest to GRS readers, but which don’t merit 3000-word articles, you know?

Anyhow, I hesitate to share these plans because I know I have a piss-poor track record of actually following through with my intentions lately. (So, no need to remind me of that haha.) But as I think of what I’d like to do with Get Rich Slowly, these are the primary outlets I’m aiming for.

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