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RYB985: What’s Better To Build Email List With (Giveaways or Downloads?) – Jam Session


Today, we will be talking about the best thing to use when building your email list? Is it a giveaway or is it downloads? That’s what we’re going to be talking about. It could be a checklist, an ebook, or videos.

Whatever it is, that’s a digital download that you can offer as a giveaway? A lot of times, we use physical products for the giveaway. This gives a little bit more perceived value. Today I’m going to be discussing is what the pros and cons are?

I’ve used them all. The email list that we built inside the Academy as a case study was done using a giveaway. We built a list of 9,332 subscribers in just 30 days. We documented that whole process. It’s actually inside the Academy. So if you are part of BCA, you get access to that.

It’s actually in the email list. Building fast track workshop was a bonus for everyone there. So we did it right along with every member of BCA over 30 days. It was pretty awesome.

So with that, all being said, this is a Friday jam session. If you are listening to this on the podcast and you want to be part of our live Friday jam sessions, all you need to do is head on over to takeactioncrew.com. You’ll go to a page. You can put your name and email address in, and you will be officially part of the morning crew.

Enjoy the episode and let’s CRUSH YOUR WEEK!

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“Remember, I’m here for you, I believe in you, and I’m rooting for you! Now it’s time for you to take action and go rock your brand”! 

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