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How to Make $100 in a Day with ClickBank: 2020 Edition


One of the greatest achievements for new affiliates is when they reach the “$100 in a day level.” It’s equally just as thrilling as the first sale and opens up the doors for new heights in their entrepreneurial journey–especially with ClickBank. This post is dedicated to proving insight and tactics into how to make $100 a day with ClickBank. 

How to Make $100 a Day with ClickBank

The first things you need to make $100 a day with ClickBank are: 

  • Foundational understanding 
  • Behind the scenes intel 
  • A good sense of your data 

These are the big tools in your tool belt that are going to make this achievement actually feasible. Of course there are little tools that make the big tools easier to use– but for now, we’re going to focus on the broader view. 

Foundational Understanding

Before you can make $100 a day with ClickBank, learning the ins and outs of affiliate marketing will help you choose the best offer for you. We suggest finding an offer that is paying at least $100 in commission. When you find the right offer that pays $100 in commission you can shift your strategy from making $100 a day to incorporate the idea that you need to make 1 sale a day. This lets you focus on completing the tasks and putting in the work to really up your conversion rate and apply the tactics that you’re learning to the sales strategy. 

Thomas McMahon, the senior business development manager at ClickBank, explains it like this: 

If you find a supplement offer at scale that pays $100, it’s likely converting at around 1.5%. 

This means that if you drive about 150 clicks to the sales page for that offer, theoretically, you should get the one sale you need to hit the $100/day level. 

Like all things in theory, there’s always more to consider. If the conversion rate for this offer is 1.5%, you have to keep in mind that number is likely skewed by top affiliates. For new affiliates, even affiliates who have a few sales under the belt, the conversion rate for an offer at scale is never going to be as high as the average.

Set Your Expectations for Success   

This is a critical part of understanding how to achieve this goal. You have to set your expectations accordingly so that you can apply the right effort in the right places and test better. 

As a new affiliate, your conversion rate is probably around .5%. With that lower conversion rate, you’ll need to send about 450 clicks to the sales page to get the 1 sale. 

That number might seem daunting as a new affiliate and you may be wondering if you can reach it. If you can’t reach that number yet, it doesn’t mean you’re out of the game. It just means that your timeframe is different now. 

Let’s say, as a new affiliate, you can get 50-75 clicks a day. This means that in about 7 days, you will have your first $100 day. 

So, if you’re testing, and by the second day you’re feeling like the offer isn’t working… you need to wait until at least day 7 to make that call. 

As you become a better affiliate, you can start to adjust your expectations for how long a sale may take you. According to Thomas, going in with an inflated idea of how quick the sales will start rolling in is an easy rookie error to make.

“A mistake that a lot of affiliate make is looking at, say, the affiliate tools page on a vendor’s page… They’re quoting 3%, 5% conversions–something like that. Those are the best earnings for the best target traffic they could get. They’re kind of overstating to sell you on promoting them. It’s marketing.” 

As with most things, results may always vary so managing your expectations for success is a key tactic when it comes to planning and executing to grow and win. 

Behind the Scenes Intel

Let’s stick with the same example. It’s day 8 and… no sales. You’ve surpassed 450 clicks. Then, you’ve surpassed 900 clicks. Still no sales. What’s a new affiliate to do next? 

It’s time to look at the data–like really look at the data.

The first place you should start is at the top of your funnel.

“Are my dollars per impressions good? What about my impressions? Is the click-through rate good? Likely, they’re not,” says Thomas. “If I’m new at affiliate marketing, this is probably where the problem is, or the targeting is really off.” 

Impressions and click-through rate are things you can control with ad copy, images, and calls to action so those are the things you should focus on as you start split testing. 

Split Testing Done Right 

Thomas says that split testing is where a lot of new affiliates make mistakes. 

“A mistake a lot of new affiliates make is split testing. They test a lot of things at one. They don’t know what’s driving or moving the needle. Or they’re testing very small tweaks, like changing one word in a headline, or adding a little arrow to an image.” 

What affiliates should be doing is split testing big things. 

Change a headline completely or change an image completely. Only make one drastic change at a time. Use the one thing that you’re changing as your control. Then, move down the list of things that you want to split. But remember–only change one thing at a time. This way you can know for sure what is making the difference in the metrics that you’re tracking. 

If you’re not using ads, you can use the same methodology with subject lines, email copy, and the first 15 seconds of your VSL. Eventually, through this process of controlled testing, you’re going to find the best combination that works better than the ads or copy you were using before. If you’ve reached your ideal number of click-through rates, and you’re still not getting sales, it’s time to start looking at the order form impressions and the hops that are getting sent to the order form. 

Digging Into the Data

Now, if you’ve been following this example, you’re at the point where you’ve sent 900 clicks. But the order form impressions just aren’t there. One way to measure this particular click through metric to the order form is by taking the number of order form impressions and divide it by the number of clicks that you sent through your marketing material (in this example, we’ve chosen 900). The answer to this equation will be the clickthrough rate of the offer for your specific traffic. This number indicates the percentage of people convert based on your specific sent clicks. 

This is an important number because if it is a low number and you’re hitting your traffic numbers, it means that potential customers are bouncing. It’s easy at this point to blame the offer. However, if history has taught us anything it’s that…

It’s Not the Offer’s Fault

It’s not the offer. If you’re promoting a ClickBank offer that you found in the ClickBank Marketplace, then blaming the offer isn’t the first place you should go. There are some things that you still may need to address in your promotions. 

According to Thomas, you could be misaligning your traffic.

“A good example of this is interest-based clicks versus intent clicks,” says Thomas. 

This tends to happen a lot when the ad creative doesn’t line up with the offer. It could also be that you’re targeting the wrong type of demographic with your ads. Utilize the affiliate tools page to figure out what kind of audience would be receptive to this offer so you can start on the right foot. 

Take Matters Into Your Own Hands

When you start to do the nitty gritty affiliate marketing work that is testing, testing again, testing some more, and double checking audience alignment, you’ll start to get the hang of the whole thing. Building out your funnel and making sure that you’re optimizing the things you can control is where affiliate marketing gets fun. It’s also where you’ll start to make more money. 

“If you’re doing this on a consistent basis, what you’re going to see is that you’re improving as a marketer every day,” says Thomas. “You’re getting better at targeting. You are getting better at buying traffic. You’re getting better at improving ad performance.” 

This “process-minded” thinking will help ease the setbacks, empower you to set realistic expectations, and stay in the game with a better headspace.


If you’re starting on a limited budget, just extend your time frame to allow for more clicks to test with. This is the fundamental step. 

Then, split test only one thing at a time until you start to notice your click-through rate creeping up. 

Then make sure your demographic is aligned to your ads.

Soon, you won’t be making just one sale a day. You’ll be making ten, then twenty, then 100–and it all will go back to the work and methodology you put in just to get that one sale. 

Do you want to ignite your digital marketing career? We recommend Spark, the only ClickBank-endorsed education platform. Spark harnesses the power of ClickBank’s two decades of expertise and is the best way to shorten the time between now and your first ClickBank paycheck. 

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